Most people’s faces light up at the sound of ‘an-all-you-can-eat-buffet’ and usually when they are invited for such buffets, they go with heavy appetites, empty stomachs and a great desire to enjoy themselves. However, most times, people end up getting through the buffet and wondering why they didn’t go for this food or the other food and thinking that perhaps they should have chosen this item over the other.
Buffets are awesome, they truly are. But for you to get the most out of a buffet, you need to have these important tips close to you.
1. Do Not Panic
Many people will panic and even lose their minds at the sight of a buffet. Such people will get confused by the availability of so many options and they will typically end up regretting the decisions they make especially regarding the sort of food items they go for. A buffet where you can eat whatever you like is usually one that requires you to be patient. When your turn to serve comes, do not be in a rush to get everything or you will end up missing some rather wonderful items. Take some time to scope out the buffet table so you can plan for what you are getting and how you are getting it,
2. Always opt for a range of cuisine
Most times when restaurants are setting up a buffet, they are likely to have themes or specific cuisines on offer. Consider visiting restaurants that have a wider range of cuisine. That way, you can actually enjoy a proper variety of dishes without worrying that you are missing out on any. Having a wide range of items from which to select helps you to satisfy your taste buds as much as possible instead of subjecting them to a small and limited buffet selection.
3. Less is more
The overwhelming urge for most people is to heap their favourite item on the plate and as a result they usually end up missing out on so many other things. The fact of the matter is, your favourite meal is something you probably eat quite a lot. At a buffet, the point is to sample other things that you don’t normally eat. So try as much as possible to have small portions of each item so that you end up having several other items on your plate. Make sure that you get a little bit of everything so that you can enjoy the full range of the buffet.
4. Start with Soup or Salad
When you get to the buffet table, always start with a soup or salad. The reason you need to do this is to prepare your body for the eating that is coming up. Because soup and salads have high water content, they are easy to digest for the stomach. As a result, the stomach is ready to process food when the time comes. Taking soup and salad is sort of like stretching before you begin strenuous gym activity. You have to prepare the body for all the torture it is going to incur by taking soup or salads.
5. Expensive food potions go first
Since you will have paid something substantial for the buffer, it makes sense for you to go for the expensive food potions first. Things like meats, salmon or king prawns are usually the things you need to go for first. You just want to make sure that you are getting your money’s worth because you don’t want to fill your plate with cheaper items and then have no room for the more expensive ones which are the ones that essentially make the buffer rather costly.
6. Use more than one plate
An age-old trick with buffets is making sure that you use more than one plate. This way, you will be able to group the foods based on how you want to eat them and it will allow you to have as many options as possible. Try to separate the foods in terms of hot ones alone and cold ones alone. Besides, you might not want certain foods to mix and therefore having more than one plate allows for you to separate them.
13th October 2021